In 2011 I founded the Boulder Ukulele Group (B.U.G.), as a way for community members to get together in an informal way and make music together. B.U.G. is a true community group of musicians made up of all ages and abilities. We get together the 2nd Saturday of every month from 10:30am-Noon in North Boulder to play songs from our songbook and from our monthly-themed song packets. Learn more about the Boulder Ukulele Group at

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"Sarah Goodroad changed my life. At 65 I returned from Hawaii with a ukulele in spite of having never played an instrument. Petrified, I went to the next Boulder Ukulele Group meet-up and I was warmly welcomed. There I learned some one and two-finger chords and the fabulous Z chord. The ukulele continually fosters such supportive, friendly interactions. I have been taking classes and lessons with Sarah, the quintessential uker, making great friends, performing, enjoying singing, even cultivating an enjoyable string obsession. Through music, my life has been enriched immensely." - John Sperling, student and B.U.G. member